Thursday, February 17, 2011

Piano Played by Feet

Another example of life without limits. Goes to show you with determination and dedication, anything is possible.


  1. May-Ling, true. Life has no limits even after death. But, when one truly believes and trusts the Lord above all and more than what we can do.

    I am paralytic now - has been for 3 years(was a university teacher before, was supposed to go to Canada to have a better life there, everything went good). Now, I am happy, has a Canadian boyfriend who do not give-up on me even though we only chat for almost 6 years (met him only once), and we will soon get married in my country. Most of all, we will do God's ministry as a couple soon.

    Why are we still together? God is behind it.

    Thank you very much for following us. We hope you will again visit us and possibly leave a comment, too. It will be well-appreciated.

    Luisa with Mike

  2. I totally agree! Thank you for sharing your inspiring story! I wish you all the best and happiness. :)
