Monday, May 9, 2011

My Running Journey

So I did it! I completed my first full marathon! It was the most perfect weather for running. Sunny with yet a cool was almost meant to be because the next day was pouring rain! The experience running that distance was absolutely amazing with the scenic route, the crowds cheering, the volunteers and signs of encouragement really helped keep me going even though my thighs, calves and feet felt like they could go no further at times.

Running has become a part of my life that has inspired me in many ways. This running journey has yet to come to an end and probably won't.  It has improved my health, my strength mentally and physically, created ever lasting friendships, accomplished goals, motivated myself and others...and so much more but most of all, I've enjoyed the journey. Thought I'd document my running journey in a video to look back at my memories and maybe even inspire you in some way.

Special thanks to my running buddies who made it happen to acheive my first full marathon! 

Yvonne Huyhn
Mike Sato
Trevor Kwok
Denis Chen

To  Shaun Lockwood that made it special to be there on my race day and helped capture our precious
moments.  And to all of you who have supported me throughout my  running journey with
encouraging  comments on Facebook, Twitter , directly & in spirit. Its been absolutely amazing! 

I couldn't have done this without you all!

Finishing a marathon isn't just an athletic achievement. It's a state of mind.
A state of mind says anything is possible.
 - John Hanc, running writer

I vividly remember seeing these signs in neon pink words on a black background that people held up in the last half of the run...

YOU seek
YOU dream
YOU commit
YOU train
YOU preserve
YOU feel
YOU inspire

1 comment:

  1. Awesome job May-Ling! Such an achivement, your giving hope to everyone around you! <3
